i guess the Texas heat has been working overtime on my brain. that and a minor case of the blog lazies.
we've managed to keep ourselves pretty busy over the last few months. just fighting off the heat in august down here can be a full time job!
for starters, thanks to everyone that helped out on our east coast trip! whether it was hosting a show, playing with us, buying merch, letting us crash, or just showing up. we all had a great time and truly appreciate all your help! we played with some really good bands and made a lot of new friends. if you feel like taking the time, some i would like to mention are-
Bad Dream (brooklyn,ny)
Mansion (lawrence,ks)
Fangs Out (toledo,oh)
Where the Buffalo Roamed (nc)
the Rainy Saturdays (memphis,tn)
Xpia (nashville,tn)
we would also like to say thanks to the Dallas Observer for asking us to play their annual music awards show this past july. everybody had a really good time!
last but not least of the thank yous was saved for Bruce and Julie Webb from the Webb Gallery for allowing us to be a part of the great vibes both you and your gallery transmit!
on to the new-
in the last post i mentioned our new song MoonII that we recorded for a compilation cd that was due out later this year. recently we found out it has been put on hold and as of right now we're not sure when it might come out. i don't know what that means for the song, but if the project ends up scrapped we'll find some other way to get it out!
unfortunately it doesn't look like we'll be hitting the road again in 09. it hasn't been completely ruled out, but we've been booking Texas shows for october/november and would like to get into a studio before the end of the year.
we're getting ready to start another round of demos! hopefully we'll end up with 4 or 5 songs we can add to the last batch. we're just now starting to figure out what we'd like to do with them all, but we've got a pretty good idea of the direction we're going. both tonally and how we want them to be released. the first thing is putting 1 of them out on a 10" split. the details are still being worked out, but it's something that looks totally doable. after that we'll just have to wait and see.
we're just getting started!
23 New Songs Out Today
5 months ago
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