my favorite night of the week was thursday when i got to see Earthless. they don't play in TX that often so i was stoked to be able to see them, and they did not disappoint! 60 minutes of mind numbing, face melting, gut punching, ear bashing rock n roll! i don't know about the 2 japanese guys i was ragging with down front, but i had a wicked bangover the next day! it stung a little bit to find out that J. Mascis joined them on stage the following night, but in keeping with D.H.'s philosophy i decided to k.i.p.. it also reaffirmed how every night there is something badass going on somewhere that your going to miss out on. the thing about SX is your to busy doing to worry about what your missing out on.
i saw a ton of shows and can't remember all the bands,
but the ones that stood out were-
the Bronx} seen them over a dozen times and they never get old! i actually got to see them do 2 sets and a 3rd as Mariachi El Bronx (links to old footage) which was incredible!
Young Widows} always powerfull!
Howl} blew out the electricity halfway through their first song!
Juarez} our buddies from tucson and always solid!
Annihilation Time} had never seen them before. ended up seeing them twice!
Trash Talk} on tour w/ the Bronx now.
the Roller} austin's own ax of gloom!
UME} also from austin. one of my new favorites!
Sleepy Sun} who we had the pleasure of playing with in san francisco a little over a month ago.
Scorpion Child} another austin band. they held it down several nights and always with a swagger!
Pack of Wolves} one more for austin metal!
Crystal Antlers}
the Black Lips}
Vivian Girls}
Black Cobra}
Devil & the Sea}

we ended our SX journey back home at the Parade of Flesh organized "SXSFlesh". which ended up being a lot of fun, once we got there. what normally takes us little over 3 hours to travel (austin to dallas) took just over 7. to say it was a nightmare would be an understatement, but we managed to persevere and i'm glad we did! even though we ended up missing several bands, we still caught plenty. Abe Vigoda, the Coathangers, My Disco, Women, Wavves, Thee Oh Sees, and a second helping of Young Widows! plus we got to meet and catch up with people who's paths we never crossed in austin. hats off to John I. for putting it all together!
and there you have it.