i hope everyone is making the best out of 09 so far! we're getting ready to hit the road for a short trip out to California and back, and wanted to drop a line before we left. the kind people over at Noise Pop have invited us up to San Francisco to play their annual music festival and we've been able to add a few shows a long the way. this will be our first time out of Texas and we're all pretty exited about the shows, seeing old friends, and making new ones! the dates are as follows, if we're playing in your town come out and say hi!
feb20th. Las Vegas, Nv.
10pm. Dive Bar
feb22nd. Los Angeles, Ca.
1pm. Space 15 Twenty {{day show}}
feb25th. San Francisco, Ca.
8pm. Bottom of the Hill
{{Noise Pop Festival}}
feb26th. Oakland, Ca.
9pm. Ghost Town Gallery
feb27th. San Diego, Ca.
9pm. Kensington Club
mar1st. Tucson, Az.
6pm. the Hotel Congress
once we get home we'll be playing with Wovenhand mar7th in Dallas, NX35 music (mini)fest mar13th in Denton, and then make our way down to Austin for SXSW. we'll have more info on these shows once we get back.
in other news-
-we've forged a couple of new axes from the fires of Valhalla. Dan completed his tri-fecta of L6s' with this sweet tobacco burst finished beauty,
and we scored a killer sounding SB300 for Nico to rearrange your insides with.
what can i say, we love the old Gibsons!
-Exploding in Sound has a new FREE compilation available for download HERE, and they were gracious enough to include our track "Duelist" on it. it has 19 songs total and comes with artwork and info on each band, pretty cool! you can find out more about it at explodinginsound.com.
-keep an out for an interview we're just now finishing up with Bob Morgan over at ScenePointBlank.com, and a small feature from weshotjr.com.
-last but definitely not least,
we just got word that the VINYL is on it's way! we'll have a limited # of copies for our west coast trip and more waiting for us when we get home. i'll post all the details once we have them in hand.
to everyone who has been faithfully holding out for a copy of the album on vinyl, your days of forbearance are almost over! thank you all very much for your patience!!
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